LP absorption rate
when the positive charged photon reaches the limit of its LP absorption rate and its own energy reaches zero the flash given off during self anhelation isn't due to the wave function collapse, its the remaining positive charged particles becoming a nega quanta a LP state
, Jim Hartle and Stephen Hawking
worked on a theory that had the universe with a quantum origin.
So imagine that you have an excited atom and as most of you probably know, the atom can then decay or de-excite and emit a photon.
Thats the simple process and that's described by traditional quantum mechanics.
So allegedly this is a process where in the beginning is no photon
and then suddenly "out of nowhere" there is a photon.(conveniently and without explanation lol) And according to a best understanding of quantum mechanics, you can't predict exactly when that will happen. That the process is intrinsically uncertain
and indeterministic. And so if you say, oh the photon appeared at four o'clock on a Thursday,
but why didn't it appear two o'clock on a Wednesday? There is no answer to that. So in other words
quantum mechanics is a description of the world the physicists favour that says
that there are genuinely spontaneous processes down at the atomic level.
So the reasoning is, if the universe was once so squashed to the size of an atom then quantum effects would have been important
and we could talk about the spontaneous or abrupt coming into being of a universe from nothing
by a quantum process without having to worry about a cause. And so that was the drift of it.
It was called the no boundary proposal because I don't want to get into too many technical details
but you'll notice that what is depicted here is space in the horizontal plane and time going vertically
and this is the universe, we're only showing two space dimensions
and then it's a bowl shaped thing. And so if you think about this being time,
what this really says is that down here there's only space and up here there's space and time.
And at the time itself, it doesn't switch on abruptly. It sort of emerges out of space.
Now let me explain to you in simple terms why that could work
. So imagine that you have an excited atom
and as most of you probably know, the atom can then decay or de-excite and emit a photon.
the no boundary proposal is flawed (all things exist everywhere and when and and infinitely)
there was always a photon and it was only in need of nega quanta charge state (lp) interaction created from a + charge force multiplier acting as a catalyst forcing a photon to appear and decay when interacting with - charge quanta state ---and then POOOF (possibly from observation effect but who looked?) which they say is an unpredictable event but i say "not really" its just knowing how much charge the particle holds to begin with and its absorption rate when interacting with each LP between beginning of path to end of path and subsequent emergence
P = probability D= distance to lp Ar=absorption rate T=time E=energy M=mass
p=1 (E=1-Ar1(1lp) M1/D 1
E=M2 (ME2)
p=0(E=1-Ar=0) d=0
(E1/T=1/D0=P0) in other words the probability will always be 1 when all charge is gone ie dissapat4ed along the path of the +charge state and the type of quanta that emerges is set by initial energy
energy1 Ar 0.1 by 10s time = distance 0.1*10=P1 that would make 1 on the probability scale